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The life that remains 2012

Difficult to get a wild view in this maze of buildings, the border is a stripe of asphalt grooved by aimless machines rea...

Cordyceps 2014

Phases 2014

Ossa trovate in riva al mare 2014

Scheletri di improbabili organismi. La potenza creatrice della natura in continuo divenire esposta come in un museo delle scienze, il futile tentantivo dell'uomo di catalogare e dare un nome alle cose, tentando di far suo ciò che non gli appartiene.

Homo Homini 2013

Portraits - modelling atelier at Mimar Sinan Universitesi, Istanbul 2012


Fetus 2012

Il cubo ci alimenta
Il cubo ci sostiene
Il cubo ci imprigiona

The life that remains 2012

Difficult to get a wild view in this maze of buildings, the border is a stripe of asphalt grooved by aimless machines ready to repel any attempt to escape.

The atavistic fear of giving up the little that remains, grasping it stronger while it's shrinking inexorably.

The intricate network of narrow streets remained closed to me
so i got up and i built a lighthouse.

The lighthouse was destroyed.

Probably it was pointed to the wrong direction.